Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Individual Contribution and Assessment

Taks for the project

I've got two tasks for the project The Creation of Gothic Architecture, which are:

1. SketchUp model importing: week 3 - week 9;(Completed)

2. Search bar in Unity3D: week 10 - the end.(Uncompleted)

The first task was left to me after other group members have chosen their desired tasks. The second task was assigned to me when I totally finished the first task at week 10.

The importing process was finished by researching methods of importing model from SketchUp to Unity3D, test and compare the selected methods, fix bugs in the SketchUp model, import the model, wrote a tutorial on how to do this. This process is done step by step and week by week from week 3 to week 10.

Following video and links are the research step to find out the export&import methods.

Following images show the bug fixing step with the SketchUp model.

The following the Tutorial: How to import SketchUp model to Unity3D.

My OS: Win7 64bit

Softwares required:

1. Open the Cerseril model with Google SketchUp.

2. Install the PlayUp plug-in directly with the EXTENSION WAREHOUSE in SketchUp. Set up the PlayUp plug-in.

3. Align the faces of the model. (In the Monochrome mode, the bright side should be up/front. If a side you want to have visible is blue, then right click it, and scroll down till you see Reverse Faces.)

4. Export level with PlayUp and open it in Unity3D. Be sure to check up the Collider box to prevent characters walk through walls.

To this point, the task Importing is finished completely. Then I was assigned a new task which is creating a search bar in Unity3D by Benjamin Hur.

The second task is failed because of the shortage of time and bad time management. It is totally different from the first task which needs to work with codes and that is my weakness. The following posts shows the attempts to this task to prove that I've try to work on it.

All materials I've researched:

As a result of my failure, we don't have a Search Bar in our project in Unity3D. Besides the factor of shortage of time, I should have been learning codes first and learn how to play with them in Unity3D.

Contribution to the group presentation: Communication

We were focused on the presentation about the assigned topic - communication. We meets up for ideas gathering the tasks allocating and we shot a video in which everyone has participated. After that I was focused on the communication with clients part of the presentation and I speak that part to the audience on that day.

Preparation for Group Presentation: Communication

Reflections on Group Presentations

Friday, May 30, 2014

Coding Language in Unity3D

Known that the problem is that I don't know the coding language that I can't make a search bar so far. I decided to start learning the coding(scripting) language even though there is no time to do this.

-Choosing the default Script Editor

-Creating a new Script

-Editing a Script


-Function Update{}

-Viewing and Editing Variables in-editor

-Attaching script to a Game Object in the Scene

-”Playing” the Game

static function TextField(positionRecttext: string): string;
static function TextField(positionRecttext: string, maxLength: int): string;
static function TextField(positionRecttext: string, styleGUIStyle): string;
static function TextField(positionRecttext: string, maxLength: int, styleGUIStyle): string;

static function Button(positionRecttext: string): bool;
static function Button(positionRectimageTexture): bool;
static function Button(positionRectcontentGUIContent): bool;
static function Button(positionRecttext: string, styleGUIStyle): bool;
static function Button(positionRectimageTexturestyleGUIStyle): bool;
static function Button(positionRectcontentGUIContentstyleGUIStyle): bool;

However, it still doesn't work for me.Knowing that it is impossible to learn and use scripting language to create a search bar in Unity3D I am sorry to admit that I cant finish the "Search Bar" task for our group in such short time.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Reflection: Group Presentation 5: Remuneration

Motorcycle Group: Joshua and Anders

The presentation was very dry although the content was very informative.explained and showed the comparison in pay by experience, working as a sole trader, working for a small company or working for a large company.The presentation was well put together and had a good structure, an inter-weaved mixture of both presentation slides and video footage.It's a good idea how they did comparisons through graphs but again i didn't understand it well.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Search Bar: the Structure of a Search Bar

A search bar can be built with PopUp + TextField + Button.

This week I'm trying to work out how to archive these components in Unity3D.

The following video is which I learned to get a "TextField" as a container of the search bar to type in keywords.

I've got these codes to achieve the search function. The problem is I don't know how to play with these codes and where to put them in and how to get them work. When I put them into Unity3D, however, they don't seem to work. Have no idea why.. Need to continue it later.

Tutorial: How to import SketchUp model to Unity3D.

My OS: Win7 64bit

Softwares required:

1. Open the Cerseril model with Google SketchUp.

2. Install the PlayUp plug-in directly with the EXTENSION WAREHOUSE in SketchUp. Set up the PlayUp plug-in.

3. Align the faces of the model. (In the Monochrome mode, the bright side should be up/front. If a side you want to have visible is blue, then right click it, and scroll down till you see Reverse Faces.)

4. Export level with PlayUp and open it in Unity3D. Be sure to check up the Collider box to prevent characters walk through walls.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Reflection: Group Presentation 4: Conflict

Airway Group:

Chew, Bao Wen
Taylor, Shaun Kelvin
Yolola, Jesharelah Alayan
Gonzales, Roschelle Anne
Corre, Eugelyn Lor Flores
Bautista, Reina Pineda

Informative presentation with a good defining of the types of conflicts. The slides were a bit to dense with information, however it was presented well. Good video, possibly could have been beneficial to have comments telling the issue, rather then having to verbally explain it.

Motorcycle Group:

Kalgovas, Benjamin
Yan, Daming
Wu, Hanbing

Very funny and compelling video that had a greater personal connection with the audience from the group members.

Both presentations illustrated the problems that conflict has on group projects and various ways to go about resolving such conflicts.Presentation points - slides were hard to read with text and images. More examples directly derived from what you have experienced. Problems followed by resolutions are a great idea to illustrate a point.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Search Bar in Unity3D

By this week, our whole project seems to be finished and some of us including me have done our task assigned. I've got a new task since the importing process is done successfully. However, this task seems hard to me since it needs be completed with codes like Java or C#. I haven't touch these codes since the very beginning of this project for this semester. It seems the time is too short for me to complete it.

A search bar in unity we want to have a list of words of churches and components and when search for a word a box of words would come up and you can pick from them. A search bar can locate objects by typing the keywords in Unity3D.

Copy Unity's Hierarchy Search bar

How can I make an in-game search engine similar to Scribblenauts

To be honest, I can't completely understand these posts and their questions and answers so far. I'm planning to learn about the working codes in Unity3D they have talked about in the next few days to go further with this task.